Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day 11

This is an older picture, but I figured since I'm doing two posts today I'd pull on out from the summer. These from my pasta making experiment last summer. I tried it in the past with a hand-roller, and it worked pretty well, everyone liked it, froze up nicely, but in this new house I wasn't quite sure where I would roll it out or hang it to dry. So I thought I'd try different noodles than spaghetti. Also, I had a lot of time on my hands that day for some reason, I don't remember why.

This took two or three hours. It would be nearly impossible to get fat on pasta if you always made it this way. (nhj <--- oscar's contribution to this post. He just stepped on the keyboard and I am literally typing this with one hand and holding him off with the other.

In the end I had more fun making it than eating it. I think I just plugged away at it while I watched a movie. The whole grain flour I used, and how thick I rolled the pasta, it took forever to cook and was tough and grainy. Next time it will be white flour or a more finely ground whole grain of something other than wheat (perhaps). I don't remember what recipe I used, but I found it online, and it was just a simple one.


lindsay said...

I've never really wanted to make my own pasta but I've been having small urges lately. Maybe someday!

Joy-filled Future said...

I like to eat pasta! Never made my own though. My mother, however, (Betty Crocker calls her for advice, has made homemade noodles and I do believe that I helped as a child. I just remember they were yummy. I think she made homemade noodles for chicken noodle soup.

For all I know, that was before they could be purchased in a store. Ha!