Monday, December 6, 2010

its cold out

I don't like it. My pinky toes start to go numb halfway through our twice-daily walks unless I wear two pairs of thick socks and particularly warm shoes. I should invest in some proper boots. I used to bundle up like this in college to walk everywhere or take the bus...I've gotten soft! Except not literally, thank to the yoga...actually the other day my chiropractor told me I'm not as "floppy" as I used to be. Ha! I'll take that as a complement.

So now it isn't even below zero, and I faithfully don my long underwear, extra socks, extra hooded sweatshirt over my hat, giant scarf (thank you grandma b!) and two pairs of gloves at least once a day, if not twice, to make sure Os can relief himself and get some exercise.

I don't even try to look cute anymore, I just want to be warm. I remember this sentiment last year around this time. I went to GoodWill and bought a bunch of boots, hats, gloves/mittens, and a couple little kid jackets and donated them to one of the shelters in town. I should do that again...

Anyway, I no longer have long hair to make me look remotely feminine under all the fabric. I should try and embrace all the warm snuggly fabrics I see all the crafty blogs I like to read. Recognize that coat, Kari? I take the lining out and wear it at work, because fleece jackets are somehow acceptable in the dress code, but sweatshirts are not. Once I put the lining and top jacket together (like in the picture) but one time at work I forgot to fasten the connecting straps and as I swung the coat over my shoulder (a la Martin Sheen on the WestWing) the top jacket slid right off and across the room! It exciting stuff. :-P People were almost as amused as when I sneeze my superloud sneezes.

That's it for now. I'm going to try and get a video to post of Oscar's post-walk victory dance tomorrow for your viewing pleasure. I tried today only to realize that video recorder was in the wrong mode and didn't record anything.